Daniel Fast 2019 DAY 01
If you're not familiar with the Daniel Fast, it is (usually) a 21-day Biblical fast that is essentially vegan with the additional boundaries of being caffeine and refined sugar-free. Though the limitations of the fast and reasons behind it can look different for everyone, it is most often done as a way of reducing distractions from the voice of God by intentionally cutting out many of the foods that we, often unknowingly, use to comfort ourselves. Many Christians choose to undergo this fast at the very beginning of the year, in order to start off the New Year centered around the Lord.
This year I would like to document what I ate, showing the foods that my family and I ate during these three weeks. I always start the first day of the fast on the first of the year, so Day 1 is January 01, 2019 for me. Without further ado, here is what I ate...
I woke up late and had a Coconut Cream Pie Lara Bar for breakfast today, and I had forgotten how much I love them! The Coconut one I had today had 5 ingredients, which were: Dates, Unsweetened Coconut, Almonds, Cashews, and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. This is the third year now I've eaten this brand, and I'm always happy with the taste and variety ( so happy, in fact, that I had another one later in the day).
I got in late tonight so I just heated up some onions, green peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, and spinach in the toaster oven in order to get in some veggies. I also had a Pecan Pie Larabar before calling it a night.
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